Phelps Park had been limited in regards to youth developmental activities and athletics for youth because of lack of volunteers. For years there was no or limited athletics or community changing activities on a consistent basis at Phelps Park, on 39th Street & Chicago Avenue. Unfortunately there was too much negative activity.
Phelps got a boost in 2008 when Phelps Activities Council (PAC), a 501c3 was founded to coordinate volunteers and receive donations as a non-profit for youth activities. When PAC was formed the MPRB staffed Phelps Park the PAC was initiated by Kale Severson Phelps Park Director at the time as a support to the staff at MPRB at Phelps.
Later that same year the MPRB pulled Kale and their staff from Phelps and PAC to go on themselves without park staff. PAC's volunteers bought into the vision that we could help change a community and many kids’ lives through organized activities for youth.
Various neighborhood groups, foundations, businesses and private donors have contributed to PAC helping change the community. Without donations many of these kids would not have an opportunity to participate in these constructive programs. The fee's that the kids pay don't come close to covering the cost of running a good activities program so those who donate are a blessing to the kids and the community.
We have helped hundreds of kids develop character and teamwork through baseball, basketball, cheer leading, football and softball since our inception. With all the success on the field and court, the real payoff is that PAC's teamwork has helped so many kids succeed in life with greater education, discipline, confidence and opportunities in life.
All PAC programs are available because of over a hundred volunteers giving of their time without being compensated other then the reward of seeing a changed a life.
Jim Halbur, the pastor of Fountain of Life, a neighborhood church, and is president of the Phelps Activities Council, says, “It is a whole different atmosphere with organized activities going on. It is especially noticeable at night with the lights on. It keeps the park inviting and safe. What a great thing for the community. I have been doing ministry in the community for twenty years. The park had issues of gang activity and that is no longer. People in the neighborhood have commented how the atmosphere has totally changed at the park since PAC activities are going on. I notice that more people from the church are enjoying time with their families at the park even if they do not have kids in the program. May God Continue to Bless our efforts through PAC and we all become better by serving our community.